Monday, March 22, 2010

Review: Big Rigs Over The Road Racing

Genre: Racing
System: PC
Reviewer: yourewinnerofcourse (YWOC)

This game will change your life in ways you never that possible. You NEED to own this game. YOU'RE WINNER ! (Editor Note: This game involves driving an 18 wheeler while hauling cargo. The reviewer's enthusiasm resulted in the forgetting to add this additional detail about the game.)

* Better-than-life graphics
* 4 Dimensional World
* Very tough AI
* Never ending gameplay
* Police roadblocks to always keep you on edge
* Hauling illegal cargo has never been more fun
* Grey Void
* Drive through anything you want while going reverse at infinite speeds
* The YOU'RE WINNER sign when you win makes you feel great
* The game enables you to drive backwards over 8000 miles per hour (Editor additional pro added to the original review. Fans of the game consider this another Pro feature)

Final Score

Additional Editor Notes:
This review was done by a member of the website, which is dedicated to the game Big Rig Over the Road Racing. You can see the site here:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Request: Videogame reviews sought.

I am willing to post reviews people have for games that haven't been covered yet. I request that you end up following the format, and your final score is always 10/10. The format here is only to list good points of games. Well, you can see how it is. It is unpaid, but it would be a place for you to link to a YouTube review you may of done. I can't promise publicity, and YES I am being lazy by doing this. But I figure no harm done requesting this.

Anyhow, I consider this blog belonging to videogame fans out there, which is why I am also opening up this chance to get a review up.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Review: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Genre: Action-adventure shooter.
System: PS3
Reviewer: Rich Hutnik

Summary: This follows the ongoing adventures of Nathan Drake, as he tries to find the lost city of Shambhala. This game follows the pattern originally laid out by the game Tomb Raider. Single player play alone is reviewed (Game does feature online multiplayer)

* Excellent voice acting.
* Interesting storyline, that is on part with a Hollywood action film.
* Top-notch graphics, some of the best on consoles today. This includes both technical prowless and also art direction.
* Really good controls.

Final Score: 11/10

Monday, March 15, 2010

Review: Tempest 2000

Genre: Arcade single screen shooter
System: Atari Jaguar
Reviewer: Rich Hutnik

Summary: This is the remake of the original Tempest, complete with power ups.

* Awesome techno music
* Awesome graphic effects
* Worthy sequel to the original Tempest
* Unique gameplay, that is real good, with solid controls, that makes it a timeless classic

Final Score: 11/10

Shout out: Some real videogame fans on YouTube

I wanted to do another shout out to some real videogame fans who run video blogs through YouTube. These guys are fans as in they are generally up beat, and positive. So, here are two:
* Classic Game Room HD: He covers new and retro and you get some cheesy humor and a fan's view of videogames, new and retro. It is fun to go into the past with him, and also find stuff you may of not seen before. Here is his channel on YouTube:
* Happy Console Gamer: Looking for a real fan of videogames with a TON of stuff you wish you had (sheer awesome), check him out. It is another trip worth going down memory lane over. Because of him, he made me aware of the song Daddy Mulk, which is awesome. Here is his channel on YouTube:

Shout out: Kevin Butler is awesome!

I am referring to the VP of whatever is need for an ad for the PS3, Kevin Butler. You can count me as a fan of this ad campaign by Sony (and Kevin Butler). Go on YouTube or Google to find the video clips of the ads. Everything but the Boom spot cracked me up (Butler is SO much better when he is in a non-agreeable position with the person he is talking to).

Also, if you are on Twitter, you can follow THE Kevin Butler here:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shout out: Play boardgames?

I will go on record here of saying that one can get a large degree of enjoyment playing boardgames. The world of gaming is bigger than the electronic version. I have gotten more enjoyment out of some really good boardgames than I have out of a number of videogames. To explore the world of boardgames, check out this site:

Games like Carcassone, Puerto Rico (my favorite boardgame), and Settlers of Catan have entertained people for many playthroughs. Also abstract strategy games like Blokus and the Gipf series also entertain. If you do have an interest in abstract strategy games, visit the IAGO website:

Shout out: If you would prefer negative...

Goes to 11 isn't planning on saying anything negative about anything. Here is strictly positive posts, and reviews and comments. However, I know some would want negative comments, so here are a few people who cover videogames who are excellent in what they do, and also have useful insights. I am sure people here know them, so this is said more for an expression of my opinion than sharing stuff people don't know.

First person/reviewer I want to make mention of is Zero Punctuation. Ben "Yahtzee" Crenshaw does review for the Escapist website now:

Zero Punctuation focuses on reviews of modern era games.

The second I want to make mention of is The Angry Videogame Nerd. Google him for the clips. His stuff looks at games from the past. He is on target with analysis, and ruthlessly negative, and generates a lot of laughs for me.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Review: Yakuza 3

Genre: 3rd Person Adventure
System: PS3 (Japanese PS3 version)
Reviewer: A.J.B.

Summary: Go back to Japan to teach the rival Yakuza gangs who’s boss!

*Karaoke and Claw Machines
*Fast food and getting drunk
*Fist fights instead of gunfights
*Random fights with street punks
*Ninja weapons!
*No English!

Final Score: 10/10

Review: Dante’s Inferno

Genre: Hack and Slash
System: Xbox 360, PS3 (PS3 Version Reviewed)
Reviewer: A.J.B.

Summary: Go to hell to save your woman!

*Hot chick
*Repent Ray!
*Templar guy with big stick
*Lots of fire
*Walls literally painted in blood

Final Score: 10/10

Review: Marbles Balance Challenge (Marble Saga Kororinpa)

Genre: Ball-rolling Maze Game
System: Nintendo Wii
Reviewer: Gnac-o-Matic

Summary: Help Anthony the Ant find a golden sunflower seed via the totally unrelated mechanic of rolling a ball around a maze. Later on, the whole family turns up to make it the ultimate test of skill and patience. Completing the game imbues one with a sense of achievement akin to that of a reknowned humanitarian.

* One-handed gameplay! No nunchuk required.
* The ability to play with your balls without resorting to public exposure.
* Some other things to do with playing online and making your own stages.
* Essential gaming for fans of formicidae.

Final Score: 10/10

Review: SpongeBob's Boating Bash

Genre: Racer
System: Nintendo DS (DS version reviewed)
Reviewer: Rich Hutnik

Help SpongeBob get his boating license.

* Contains SpongeBob!
* Can play as multiple characters.
* Choose from a selection of boats to race.
* Play against family and friends.

Final Score:

Review: Miner:Dig Deep

Genre: Arcade Resource Management (unique genre)
System: XBox 360 Indie Game (XBox 360 version reviewed)
Reviewer: Rich Hutnik

You play the role of a character who digs under ground, to collect gems to buy better equipment, so you can get to the bottom of the dig area. Players are challenged to avoid falling into long mineshafts or having boulders crush them.

* Addictive gameplay. You just have to keep playing to get going.
* Unique mix of arcade action and resource management.
* Relaxing music and cute graphics.

Final Score:

Review: Shoot 1UP

Genre: 2D shooter (Vertical scrolling)
System: XBox 360 Indie Game (XBox 360 version reviewed)
Reviewer: Rich Hutnik

Old school vertical shooter which the unique ability to spread out your extra lives (put them on screen like Galaga or Tac Scan), for extra firepower.

* Original gameplay with the use of the extra lives. Players get different firing ability.
* Massive firepower!
* Solid gameplay
* Interesting bosses.
* Good graphics and sound for a 2D shooter. If you saw Weapon of Choice by the same designer, you know what to expect.
* Excellent price of 80 credits.

Final Score:

Review: Deadly Premonition

Genre: Sandbox Horror/Mystery
System: XBox 360 (review on XBox 360)
Reviewer: Rich Hutnik

FBI Agent York (everyone calls him York) who is mentally unhinged, investigates a murder in a rural small-town.

* Entertaining story and dialog. The game takes the cake for lines for "F K... in the Coffee" and the "Galaxy of Terror" Bar.
* Good voice acting.
* Good sized manual.
* Very inexpensive (around $20 new)

Final Score:

Welcome to the Goes to 11 blog! And why it was created...

Hello. This blog is dedicated to reviews of games, and also some other random commentary, if I feel motivated.

The reason for the creation of this blog is that I grew tired of people arguing over game scores and saying things like a game needed to be rated higher. So, to placate all the fans of games, I decided to create a place to place game reviews that would be considered the opposite of the way Zero Punctuation works. On this site, a review will sum up what a game is about (genre, etc...), and will list only the good features. The game will be given one of three reviews (at this time):
* 10/10. All games are 10 out of 10.
* 11/10. If a game is particularly enjoyable by me, or the reviewer, it will get an 11/10 (this is a reference to a scene from the move Spinal Tap).
* Over 9000. This is a for a mythical perfect game that I don't believe ever will exist. If it did, it would likely become a world religion. (And yes, this is another reference

Anyhow, please feel free to give me content to post, if you want to be a reviewer and can respond here. Also, if you find anything particularly of value, or entertaining, feel free to post a link here on forums.

Ok, thank you for your time. Maybe I will migrate over to an actual website down the line. But, for now, we have a blog. I will look to post from time to time here, with periodic reviews, and also possibly some commentary. I do hope you do find humor in this, and hope I can make a useful point or two in the mayhem.